Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

Ideaspace topics with the most votes have been moved into the Suggestion Box. If there is a topic missing, please re-enter. Our product team reviews the Suggestion Box items regularly and will provide updates as to status and incorporation into upcoming releases.

Template Quote for a Sope

We'd like all of our "Normal Service Calls" to include tasks:

  • A whole house inspection task
  • A trip charge task (one misc line)

Additionally, if the call was of a certain scope, say WATER HEATER PROBLEMS, we'd like some way to automatically include optional tasks, like

  • REPLACE WATER HEATER LVL2 ($120) ...etc

and Optional materials or labor, like how they show up on a QUOTE.

Then as the tech does the job, we could put COMPLETED on the tasks they used, and use WORK COMPLETED for additional materials or labor completed.

I'm asking for a way to attach a TEMPLATE QUOTE to a SCOPE, so whenever the SCOPE is used, the items on the quote are copied into the WO.


Doing something like the above would reduce repetitive work for our dispatcher, as well as increase the consistency of our work performed per scope.

Alternate Idea

The above might sounds like circular logic (each quote has line items with scopes).

So, what about attaching a TEMPLATE QUOTE at the CALL TYPE level? The dispatcher would then only have to fill out the "Call Type", which would then copy the quote when generating the WO.

SOMEHOW we need to automatically include tasks based on something the dispatcher types into SM Call Handler.

  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Dec 19 2018
Company A-1 Plumbing & Emergency Rooter
Job Title / Role Developer
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files

Dear Viewpoint Suggestion Box contributor;

We at Viewpoint sincerely thank you for your contribution to Suggestion Box on how we can improve Viewpoint products. While we can’t do everything at once, we rely upon your feedback to help guide the prioritization of our product improvements, and Suggestion Box is a critical tool for us to understand and prioritize our customers’ needs. Viewpoint reviews Suggestion Box regularly for all of our products and updates statuses, adds comments, and performs various house-keeping (including deleting) as needed to ensure that Suggestion Box is maintained as a productive environment for product enhancements requests.

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