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Add craft or job based leave accrual

According to Executive Order 13706, we are required to accrue paid sick leave on prevailing wage contracts awarded after 1/1/17 for use on prevailing wage contracts only.  We need to be able to limit that rate by PR Craft or job so that we can comply with this order.
See below documentation for the requirements

  • Guest
  • Apr 3 2017
  • Shipped
Company Hutchens Construction Co.
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 10, 2019 23:12

      The ability to vary/override Leave accrual rates was included with Vista 6.17

    • Shawna Houser commented
      December 14, 2018 16:24

      Would like an update on the completion of this.  In need more of the Suggestion from the Merged Suggestion.  Currently handling this manually and it is very time consuming.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      September 07, 2018 19:09

      The upcoming enhancement will help you meet regulatory Paid Leave accrual requirements with accrual rate overrides - hopefully reducing the number of Leave codes you need to setup and maintain - one shared Leave code would be ideal.  However, accrual limits and carryover caps will still be tracked/applied by Leave code with employee level overrides.  The solution is not yet sophisticated enough to manage carryovers and resets by job or region - maybe something for the future.

      Note that carryover limits and cap imposed by States and other jurisdictions are always stated as minimums - your company policy can be more generous :)

    • Guest commented
      September 07, 2018 17:11

       With leave code rates applied at the job level, is there a way to track leave on the employee level in ONE leave code instead of multiple leave codes. (We originally thought we'd have a leave code for each law - SickLeaveOregon, SickLeaveSeattle, SickLeaveWashington)

      The employees are allowed to use their sick leave no matter where they work and no matter where the leave was accrued.  A person can have a leave balance of Washington hours and use it when they're working in Oregon.  We decided to create ONE sick leave code that combines the sick leave a person accrues, no matter where it accrued from. With that balance, we can tell if they have enough sick leave accrued to use sick leave.

      Once the balance is comingled though, we run into a problem with the varied carryover and accrued limits. Oregon allows an accrual limit of 40 and Washington doesn't.  Seattle has a carryover limit of 72, Washington doesn't.  

      Our solution is to add new balance fields within the main Employee Sick Leave record that tracks the balances that accrued based on the different scenarios.  While the total sick leave balance on an employee's record is 50, the balance fields indicate that 40 of those accrued hours came from Oregon, and 10 came from Washington.  When it's time to carryover or to apply a max accrual, we can add that functionality based on the balances within the total accrual balance. 

      Alternatively, if we still have to enter different leave codes, there could be some mechanism that allows us to combine the accrual balances in each scenario. Similar to the PreTax setup for 401K + ROTH type setup maybe?

      We've been working on this process as a customization because we were told Viewpoint wouldn't be handling sick leave to follow the new laws.  I'm glad Viewpoint is making a process to help us out.  I hope it will go far enough so we can avoid customizing altogether.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      September 05, 2018 22:47

      It's currently in beta - given a successful test, targeted for release with 6.17 (Oct 2018)

    • Kristy Smith commented
      September 05, 2018 20:54

      When will this feature be added to Viewpoint?

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      July 09, 2018 15:02

      We will be adding the ability to override leave accrual rates by introducing a Leave Level code with accrual rates that can be assigned to a job.  The Leave Accrual process will evaluate an employee's time for the pay period and use either the Leave code standard accrual rate or the employee's override rate or job Leave Level rates (if assigned) - whichever is the most generous.

    • Tim Emerick commented
      January 12, 2018 18:33

      We are under the same federal directive.  I'll share  how we are implementing it until VP comes up with a solution.  We added udf's in affected earnings codes, jc job master, jc contract master, sm work order, sm work order sites, and pr employees.  Created a custom report pulling records against those fields to create a report used to manually enter leave accruals each week.  We then hand punch the entries and allow the leave limits to dictate what is allowed or not allowed when entering accruals. Auto leave is used as intended to relieve balances.  Attached are some screen shots as well as the crystal report we developed.  Implement and use at your own discretion.

    • Guest commented
      December 28, 2017 22:28

      Job level would work for us. We have jobs in both Oregon and Washington, and need the capability to track sick leave accruals separately per state. 

    • Kristy Smith commented
      November 29, 2017 19:47

      Yes-if you could get it down to the job level, that would be really helpful.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      October 27, 2017 18:35

      I've noted paid Leave requirements becoming more common across the country - not just at the Federal level.  We are looking to add leave accrual rates by job - these would override the standard and/or employee leave rates - with accrual using the highest rate found.  Will this meet the need or are there other 'must haves' you are looking for?

    • Kristy Smith commented
      October 26, 2017 18:11

      Since this is a Federal law, it would be nice if Viewpoint could be set up to handle this.  

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