Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Ability to customize SM Invoice E-mail Body with PLACEHOLDERS

Don't you just love getting those generic emails?

Using template strings is nothing new to the computer industry and you use it quiet well in your WF Notifier Job Manager to great success.

Within SM Company -> Email Settings right now you have a text field for Subject and a text field for Body.

We are asking for

the ability to use template strings like @AmountDue or @InvoiceNumber or @BillToName or @DueBy in both the Subject and Body areas. Then, when the system generates the Email the client it would swap those out for the real value.

Or if you wanted us to use fields formatted like [InvoiceNumber] as you do in the WorkFlow modules, or even like SSRS [@InvoiceNumber], we'd be happy with that too.

Who would it help?

This enhancement would greatly increase the joy of our customers who receive the invoices, and our ability to track sent/received emails reguarding specific invoices. It would ALSO allow us to include custom data in the invoice email itself instead of resorting to modifying the reports.

Please seriously consider this suggestion.

Bonus points if you'd let us include custom fields from SMInvoice.

  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Apr 22 2020
Company A-1 Plumbing & Emergency Rooter
Job Title / Role Developer
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    December 29, 2021 00:27

    Coming up on two years since the initial wish. Viewpoint? Any push to flush out some of these features for your customers?

  • Kim Stanford commented
    May 14, 2020 03:22

    We would definitely love to have this option for all of the reasons that have been stated. We have been waiting for something like this since 2015. Come on - let's get it done!

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