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Correct functionality of the "Last Updated" field in PR Employee--damaged by 2020 R2.4

  • Jan 26 2021
  • Planned
Company Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel Company
Job Title / Role Accounting Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Angela Mullins commented
      May 14, 2021 16:01

      I just got off the phone with Support regarding this issue #69514. We have always seen this field update based on last day worked. Example, if time is entered into Viewpoint Field Management, it will update the last date worked as long as it is later then the current date in the field, regardless if the Job changed or not. This is hit or miss since we updated to 2020 R2.14. We are now finding it is only updating if the Job also changed which is throwing reports off because this is not the last day worked.

      We use this field for numerous custom reports that we base business decisions off of. We are now in a scramble to try to come up some SQL Code so I can pull all PR Employees who are not updating and update the field through SQL, so at least our reports are accurate. The process will have to be run daily until this field is fixed.

      One issue I have is if we press F1 on the Last Update Field the description of it, does state it will only update if the Job or Crew and Date has changed, this is not a true statement. It should be updating anytime the Post Date is updated by a transaction being entered.

      Then if you go to the knowledge base and pull up PR Last Update, there is issue 13463 that shows that the field is being inconsistent on updating, which is what we are seeing. It also states it should update anytime the time card date is updated, which again is what we would expect.

      If you continue to look in the knowledge base you will find Issue 69514 which also looks like it should be updating to the most current date worked. This issue is from 2019.

      There is also a knowledge base explaining how the field works, which again is different then the F1.

      It would be nice if all documentation was consistent with the correct process of the field/process. Since we use this field in business critical reports I am hesitant in trusting the field and thinking of writing my own code to find the last day worked so I can update all business critical reports to use that instead of relying on a Viewpoint field that has so much inconsistency in how it works. Very frustrating.

    • Gene Fandel commented
      March 15, 2021 18:24

      Our system is working as Gary said, for all timecard entries with jobs. If only a department is used without a job then the preh table is not updated with the current posting date. This may be what people are seeing.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      February 09, 2021 16:58

      I am relaying this to our Development team for review - if Last Updated is only updating with a later date when Job or Crew changes, it will be addressed as a bug. Last Updated should reflect the latest date an employee has worked regardless of job or crew

    • Connie Martinez commented
      February 09, 2021 16:05

      The PR Current Employee List - Summary Report - Last Column heading is 'LAST DAY WORKED' it uses the 'Last Updated' date which until 2020 R2.4 reflected the actual last day an employee worked - we rely heavily on this report to manage Separations. Now, the date is totally meaningless. We import our time into Vista. We have used this report for years, now instead of using the actual date an employee's record was changed 'Last Updated' only changes if the job or crew changes - Please change this back - or give us the option to select the criteria that will update the 'Last Updated:' field.

      We see NO other way to track 'Last Day Worked'.

    • Jessica Rindy commented
      February 02, 2021 22:01

      The last updated field is no longer updating with imports. It will only update if the job or crew changes. Which is effecting our reporting. Is there a way to change this back?

    • KELLY STONE commented
      January 27, 2021 11:50


      Thank you for your response. Your description of the behavior of this field does not match what I am told. So I am copying those who use this field so they can ask questions if needed.

      Thank you,


    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 27, 2021 01:05

      There seems to be a misunderstanding about the meaning/purpose of this field - it is intended to record the latest timecard posted date and is updated as timecards are entered into a PR Timecard batch when the posted date is later than the current PREH Last Update Date.

      This occurs prior to batch posting and is not restricted to changes in job or crew assignment as mentioned in Help (i.e. it always updates).

      PREH Last Updated Date in not, nor has it ever been linked to the employee's Paid Date - there have been no changes to this behavior since 2017

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