Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Change the HR Master and PR Employees to launch with no employee being populated.

A lot of times this first employee has incorrect changes made since they are the first employee when the forms are launched.  I think it would cut done on the amount of errors by not having this first employee show up when the forms are launch.  A blank form would force you to chose the employee that you would like to effect.

  • Gregg Burson
  • Aug 10 2017
  • In Review
Company Franklin Well Serices
Job Title / Role Accounting Analyst
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files
  • Rhonda Bradfute commented
    August 20, 2018 14:57

    We actually created a dummy employee to avoid these issues.  So that's the one that populates when we open.

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    November 10, 2017 17:14

    I think this applies across multiple forms within Viewpoint. If GRID is the preferred view for a form, why should it be in 'edit mode' when it opens? GRID implies the user wants to see multiple lines of data. If the form opens in 'Info' mode, I understand the 'open in edit mode' thought process. But not if GRID is the default (for the user/system).

  • Brenda Stangle commented
    October 03, 2017 19:56

    This is great! I hope this goes through it would be a huge improvement!

  • Guest commented
    August 16, 2017 15:07

    I agree too.  We added a fake employee record with employee #0 and made inactive so we didn't accidentally edit someone's record.

  • Scott Butterfield commented
    August 11, 2017 13:40

    I strongly agree with this, our owner is the lucky record that shows up each time these forms are opened.

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