Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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SM Memberships: like agreements but with "subscription" payments and no expiration. They should track the fees paid as "credit" to future work.

For the last ten years or so we've run a "Membership Service" for our clients (using antiquated software).

For a certain cost per month, they get X percentage off every bill, priority service, a free home inspection once per year, and all the money they put into the membership can be used on any future service calls.

Here's how it works:

  • Client signs up for $X per month. (or $XX per year)
  • As time passes their "credit" with us grows as they make deposits (/payments).
  • When they need service, they call us, we go out, inspect, quote, and show them the credit they have along with the % off their bill.

It honestly is a good program for everyone involved.

But here's the question:

How do you do something like this in Viewpoint?

Viewpoint has "Agreements" that expire and have an "Agreement Price" (total value of agreement). We don't need those things for a membership

So how would a person go about setting up a SUBSCRIPTION STYLE plan? IE, $$ per month (or per year), and be able to see the "credit" that has been paid by the client? AND to see that credit DEDUCTED from a bill for some WO in the future?

That's why I'm voting for something like "SM Memberships".

OR if Viewpoint could do a "Subscription Style" Agreement (and give us the ability to apply the fees paid to the next Bill), that would work quite well.


*Edit* - Could an admin move this into the "Service Management" category?

  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Dec 13 2018
Company Cutting Edge Plumbing
Job Title / Role IT Admin
I need it... 3 months
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    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      April 30, 2019 02:20

      It looks like you (VP) were partially into implementing this with a NonExpiring checkbox in the Agreement setup, but abandoned it and hit the checkbox.

      Any chance you could finish up the remaining bits to make the "NonExpiring" Agreements work?

    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      December 15, 2018 01:17

      So I've been messing around with the agreements and think I can make it work using the auto-renew feature.


      • Using manual renew (or auto-renew) creates revisions which splits everything up into chunks, making the history of the subscription a bit more troublesome to query and report.
      • START and END dates must be on the 1st and 30th, or else the RENEW feature likes to kick in an extra month. Seriously, go try it! Set START to 12/12/2018, and END to 12/11/2019, then do a renew. Oh look, the next revision's term covers 13 months! If we have monthly billing in place, the new (renewed) term gets lower monthly rates because the same total cost for the agreement stretches to cover the new length. I'm sure VP has a reason for this, but it would be nice to see that explained in the help file, and some way to make the term length actually stay the same for mid-month start/end dates as the help file indicates.


      I think it would be nicer to have a simple "Bill X amount per month from here on out", with no expiration date. :-


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